As I've shared before C-man has autism. We actually got his official diagnosis last week. "Your son has autism." Was I upset? No, its something I've known for a long time. She just put a caption on the picture. I waited til he got home to see if he looked different to me. He didn't. Still same ole C-man, who told me about a gas price he saw in town on his way home on the bus. Gas prices are his latest obsession. It actually comes in handy, as soon as he hears my low fuel alarm go off in the car he'll say "The times gas station near the dollar store is the cheapest at $3.21 a gallon." And that's where I go.
Saturday night we had "the talk" with him. No not that talk, get your minds out of the gutter ;) lol...We shared with him that he had autism. He took it...well? He laughed the whole time, which is pretty normal for him. He doesn't usually display the right emotions for situations like that. He knows he can come ask questions about it whenever he needs to.
He has always had an obsession with electronics, which is a pretty common one with kids who have autism. They keep his racing mind busy. Gives his hands something to do, and can help him with skill he has difficulty with. So in the past couple of months, our computer broke and the tablet he got for his birthday broke. An autistic kids WORST nightmare. Let me tell ya. He is bored bored bored. His meltdowns have been more frequent when he doesn't keep busy. So as his mom and his protector I decided I needed to figure out how to help him.
Through my research I came across a site called The Puzzling Piece. They offer an opportunity called the iPad challenge strictly for kids with autism. When you sign up for the challenge you have to sell 60 of their autism themed items, when you sell your 60th piece, that's it! You get an iPad. For every 12 items you sell after that you get an iTunes gift card to help buy apps for your new iPad. How easy could that be right? Not really...60 is a big number. So that's where you come in. You can buy items from the iPad challenge section of this site and every purchase will go towards his goal of winning an iPad. You can't buy anything? You can still help! Share his story and this challenge cause you never know who you might reach that CAN help!
What you're gonna do is go to this site Click on the tab at the top that says "products", then click on the section that says iPad challenge. There you will see a bunch of items that look like this...
When you make your purchase you put in the challengers name which would be Angel Kincaid. That way they credit the purchase towards our goal. And that's it.It will be shipped right to you. You can feel good knowing you've made a difference in an awesome kids life! Because not only are you helping to put an amazing piece of technology in my kids hand, but with every sale the puzzling piece donates to an autism awareness charity!
iPads helps kids with Autism in so many different ways. I've already shared the ways I think it would help the C-man. But, I've also found some more info from the site I will share a couple bits from there...
Why iPads?
iPads offer portability and flexibly that a traditional PC or laptop cannot provide to a young child. Since it utilizes a touchscreen, the iPad is more accessible for children who have learning or coordination difficulties. Most children who use the iPad find that tapping and sliding motions are much easier than typing. iPads can also go wherever the child goes, which means they have ways to calm, focus, and learn while on-the-go.
Benefits of Using the iPad for Learning
The iPad itself has a lot of benefits, but for the autistic child the iPad offers many distinct advantages:
- Portability
- A direct touchscreen so no mouse or stylus is required
- A digital parallel to books or papers
- Not having to move their eyes from a keyboard to a screen
- Apps are easily organized, predictable, and accessible
- Apps help break learning down into discrete chunks and topics
- A child can enjoy independent learning and leisure time
I am so thankful if you've made it this far. This is a very important opportunity for my c-man. I know this could help him in so many different ways and he would be forever grateful. So from this Autism mom I thank you in advance if you bought something, shared his story and info, or simply just read and liked my blog :)